Long-stay offers and short-term deals for business travellers and companies


Offers for business travellers - short-term and long-stay

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Corporate long-term rental

For business travelers who want to stay longer at Yggotel, we offer unbeatable deals. Book a long-term stay and benefit from attractive discounts. This way you get a cozy temporary home by arriving and relaxing after a day's work. Hygge lifestyle and affordable prices - that's what the Yggotel brand stands for! Whether you choose a cozy room or a fully equipped apartment including kitchenette depends solely on your individual preferences.

Contact us

Long-stay discounts: Save up to 30%

Our benefits

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Full flexibility!
Flexible travel planning without time limits

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Book via different channels!
On yggotel.com, via our reservation center or via your company's booking channels

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A customized solution!
For our customers we offer individual solutions that meet your specifications

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The close proximity to the city center guarantees a great starting point for discovery tours

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Extensive selection of services, from concierge, room and laundry services to a wide range of food and beverages