whether short or long-term

Hotel offers from Yggotel - save with style now!

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Request individual offer and save twice

Benefit from our flexible offers for a particularly favorable stay. Whether it's a long-term stay or just a short visit: You will find our opening offers or attractive hot deals as well as special offers for long-term stays, companies and groups here. Make your reservation online right away or simply ask us your questions via the contact form. The Yggotel team will be happy to help you.

From 3 nights! Save 15%!

Did you know that you don't have to travel to Scandinavia to experience the real Hygge feeling? That's why there are yggotels with that special hygge charm - guaranteed to be near you! Try it out: best directly with the unbeatable offer of the "Stay 3 | save 15%" deal. Just check in for at least 3 days and save 15%. You are welcome to book a varied breakfast from the buffet as well.

Hot deal

Hot Deal Summer -10%

location iconIn all of our hotels

"Hygge" is our friendly-natural design, but "hygge" is also our lifestyle: because this Danish feel-good concept also includes a relaxed approach to things. Therefore, our tip: book your room early and secure a great bargain with the Hot Deal - you save 10%. Book now and enjoy "Hygge" in a relaxed way!

Longstay offer

Save on your long-term stay

location iconIn all of our hotels

Home with benefits
Whether you're single, in a couple, with family or on a business trip. Are you looking for a temporary home with that little extra for your perfect long-term stay? Our concept of serviced living provides you with your own retreat paradise with the additional enjoyment of hotel services. Convince yourself of our simple price scale according to the motto "more is less": Get:

• 20% discount from a stay of at least 5 days
• 30% discount from a stay of at least 14 days
• 40% discount from a stay of at least 28 days
• Even 43% discount from a stay of at least 60 days

Enjoy our inclusive services on top.

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